At the University of Ljubljana, the final preparations for the operation of the new student club are underway – the Student Energy Club / Študentski energetski klub (ŠEK). This will be the first club in order to connect students who work and think in the field of sustainable energy and green transition in Slovenia and beyond. The University of Ljubljana will provide space for the operation of the club and experts who will provide additional professional education. The Student Energy Club / Študentski energetski klub (ŠEK) will enable the constructive formation of views on current energy-related issues. The club (ŠEK) will also enable the exchange of views and media support. For the purpose of media support, ŠEK will have its own website and its own profiles on several social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook), through which it will disseminate its press releases and other views and findings of the club. Students – members of ŠEK will have the opportunity to participate in international student exchanges between partners of the AURORA project. Students of natural sciences, as well as social sciences, are equally welcome in the club. At the local level the club (ŠEK) will be connected with other active non-governmental organizations working in the field of energy (Youth for Climate Justice, Greenpeace, Focus – association for sustainable development, …)
- 19 abril 2022