AURORA presentation at Behave 2023 Conference

AURORA presentation at Behave 2023 Conference


AURORA project team was presenting the AURORA Rationale at the Behave 2023 Conference in Maastricht, The Netherlands. Behave 2023 was the 7th edition of the biannual EnR (European Energy Network – A voluntary network of European energy agencies) event focusing on the application of behavioural insights in energy efficiency and climate mitigation. BEHAVE provides a unique forum for policymakers, academia, industry and practitioners to share ideas and experiences in promoting effective solutions for reducing CO₂ emissions and climate mitigation.

Cristina Sanz Cuadrado during the presentation of AURORA label at BEHAVE Conference

The AURORA project goals perfectly align with the goals of the conference. We have given two oral presentation. First Matevž Bokalič presented a general AURORA approach with a talk entitled A rationale to foster the role of energy communities in creating inclusive social hubs for citizen science in energy aspects. He described the AURORA project at large and presented the AURORA Energy Tracker App to the audience, including the measures he took to reduce his CO2 footprint.

Cristina Sanz-Cuadrado digged a bit deeper and presented the background of the CO2 calculation algorithm used in the AURORA Energy Tracker App in a talk entitled First steps towards a European algorithm to promote sustainable behavioural changes in citizens.

Overall, the Behave 2023 conference was a wonderful experience where we could learn how others are trying to change their and influence others’ behaviour, while at the same time we could present and provide the tools developed within the AURORA project to other ambassadors who fight climate change.

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