Promoting the AURORA Energy Tracker app in the Forest of Dean



Given an initial slow uptake of the AURORA Energy Tracker app in the Forest of Dean, the AURORA FOD team have designed a promotional campaign to boost local users of the app.

Having consulted with our energy community – Forest Community Energy, we decided to run a prize draw to generate interest in using the app. The prize draw campaign launched on Facebook on Earth Day (22nd April) and ran for 6 weeks.

To motivate people to use the app, and provide simple explanations on what the app is for and how to use it, CSE produced two short “how-to” videos:

To be entered into the prize draw, which was a £50 voucher for a Forest of Dean zero waste shop, users of the app were encouraged to complete a short feedback survey. The findings from this feedback will be fed back to the AURORA project to input into improvements for the app. During that time, app users increased by 16%.

Going forward, and with further improvements and developments of the app on their way, the AURORA FOD team will look to potentially run further prize draws, as well as explore alternative ways of motivating people to use the app (for example, building it into community events and workshops with young people).

Interested in using the AURORA Energy Tracker app? You can download it here. Don’t have a smart phone? A web version of the app is now available here.

If you’re interested in seeing insights from uses of the app across different AURORA demo-sites, you can check out the dashboard here.

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