Meet our Ambassador

Manuel Collares Pereira


Scientific Advisor


Vanguard Properties




Ambassador Group





Electrotechnical Engineer (IST- Instituto Superior Tecnico) Professor (IST, Physics Department, Lisbon) Founder and twice President of CCE- Centre for Energy Conservation (acting National Energy Agency) Founder and President of SPES, Portuguese Solar Energy Society and Portuguese section of ISES President of ACTD- Associação de Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento CSO of AOSOL, Energias Renováveis, manufacturer of Solar Energy Collectors of the CPC type CSO of SUNCO, manufacturer of Solar Cookers of the box type Representative for the Portuguese Government in several high level Steering Committees (Non-Nuclear Energies, Joule) for the European Union Renewable Energy R,D Programs. Portuguese Representative within the CYTED Iberian and Latin American Program, having been in charge of several tasks within the SubProgram VI, for Renewable Energies in the Rural World. 2013 to 2018 – Member of the Scientific Committee of Exact Sciences and Engineering of FCT- Science and Technology Foundation 2007-2010, appointed by ESTIF ( the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation of which he was one of the founders), leader of the Collector Group of the ESTTP –European Solar Thermal Technology Platform, in charge of proposing the Strategic Research Agenda up to the year 2030 2012-2018 Member of the Board of Trustees of the European Environmental Foundation. Since 2011, Member of the Strategic and Technical Committee of ESTELA (European Solar Thermal Electricity Association) Since 2015- Member of the Advisory Board, Fraunhofer Chile Since 2019- Member of the Scientific Committee of CIEMAT November 2010- 2019 – Full Professor, Chairman of the Renewable Energies Chair at the University of Evora, to 2019 Founder and President of the Board- IPES-Instituto Português de Energia Solar (2012-2020) Member of Ordem dos Engenheiros (Official Engineering Association) (1974) Member of the Portuguese Engineering Academy (Academia da Engenharia) and member of its General Assembly Board. Honorary Member of the Academia Mexicana de Energia (Mexican Energy Academy) (2019). Member of the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa (Lisbon Academy of Sciences) (2020)


A universidade necessita de encontrar formas de levar o conhecimento aos cidadãos em geral; e não é só através da formação de estudantes; o conhecimento fechado, trocado entre elites e para elites, serve para pouco; basta pensar na quantidade de cidadãos em todo o mundo que ainda hoje não fazem ideia do que são as alterações climáticas ( e os restantes que dizem saber, sabe-se lá o que sabem mesmo!!?); é claro que a Ciência vai avançando e, a pouco e pouco, dando origem a novas tecnologias , mas trata-se de um processo muito lento e ineficiente; é necessário aproximar os cidadãos da Ciência e, com isso, combater os populismos que grassam por todo o mundo dito desenvolvido, alimentados pela ignorância e perpetuadores desta, para mais crescerem.

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