- What is an energy community?
It is a new figure promoted by the European directive (EU Directive 2018/2001) that allows citizens, SMEs and local entities to group together to generate, share, distribute and sell their own renewable energy, thus contributing to the energy transition and to the plans in the European Union for CO2 emissions reduction.
- What does the South Campus energy community consist of?
It consists of a foundation in which the PDI, PAS and students of the South Campus and the UPM itself will participate to install a set of photovoltaic systems on the terraces of the South Campus with a total power of 200kW. The photovoltaic systems will be financed with micro-investments from the members of the South Campus who so wish, between €20 and €3,000. In exchange, each microinverter will receive an economic return for 20 years and information on how their carbon footprint is reduced by the electricity produced by the panels in which they have invested. The UPM will provide the use of the terraces and in return will have green energy that is significantly cheaper than what it currently has.
Palomeras Cultural Centre School
More information coming soon
- How can I participate in the energy community?
The primary means of participation is by microinvesting. We have set a very low minimum fee so that anyone who wants to participate can do so. You can also participate with volunteer work in the activities and events that will be organized to spread the project. These activities may be convertible into ECTS credits.
If instead of receiving a return for the micro-investment, you prefer to receive other bonuses in the form of dining room scholarships, material, etc., it will also be possible.
- Where can I get information?
During the month of October, a group of PDI, PAS and students will organize informative meetings in each department, research center, student delegation and associations of the South Campus. We will also hold morning and afternoon shift meetings for the PAS members of each School. We will announce these meetings in the Events section of this website and on our social networks on Twitter and Instagram (@AURORA_UPM and @AURORA.UPM). The objective is that the proposal for participation in the energy community reaches each and every one of the members of the South Campus university community.
Have a look to the Energy Community presentation in this video!
If you are interested, please fill out the following form
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